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Privacy policy

Studio Legale Minasi collects and uses personal data of its users according to the Italian Legislative Decree n.196 of 30/6/2003. The mentioned Law Decree is aimed to ensure that data processing is conducted with full respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms and dignity of persons. According to Art. 13 of the mentioned Legislative Decree we inform users that the data provided to us will be treated in accordance with the above and complying with our obligations of confidentiality. 

Studio Legale Minasi reserves the right to disclose any information that it obtains through its web site to appropriate governmental or regulatory authorities, if required by law or any governmental agency. 

Information that you provide may also be used as part of our effort to keep you informed about services that may be of interest to you. In some cases, Studio Legale Minasi may contact you with information from carefully selected third parties, but Studio Legale Minasi will not provide information to third parties for such purposes. In other cases, your information might be shared with a third party pursuant to a process that contemplates such sharing but which you knowingly initiate. 


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